Labels:book | bulletin board | chat room | monitor | reckoner OCR: ADVENTURING STRATEGY An attack is successful if the roll is greater than or equal to the attacker's THACO Attacking Opponents minus the target's AC. Characters most often engage in "melee combat which is face- -to-face battle with weapons such as swords and maces Example: fighter with a THACOof 15 attack- Other options include casting or spells and ing roll. (THACO monster with 15AC an 3 AC of3 12+ would But to need hita to ranged combat using bows slings. monster with an ACof-2 he or she would need In general, character attacks the enemy to roll: (THACO 15- (AC -2=17+ in the front rank on his side of ithe screen When there is only one enemy left in battle it moves to the center of its square Damage and can be attacked there Damage is the hit point loss an attacker inflicts on his Combat M ...